The Walker Konigar Group

The Walker Konigar Group

Our Expertise
We are experts in the following:
Teaching and Learning Practices
Higher Education System
DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
Curriculum Design
The Community College System
History of Higher Education
African American History
Women's History
Social Media/Branding
Our Founding
After working in higher education as a professor at various universities and community colleges, in college admission, and college advancement for over 2 decades, we have decided to consult. Traveling around the country, we have provided many workshops on pedagogical practices, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), curriculum design, and understanding higher educational systems. We are interested in providing more educational opportunities within higher education.
About the Founder/CEO
Dr. Elizabeth Walker attended
Pepperdine University, BA
Seton Hall University, MPA
Claremont Graduate University, MA in Political Science
Claremont Graduate University, MA in Educational Studies
Claremont Graduate University, Ph.D. in Higher Educational Studies
About the Partners
Professor Amber Gillis attended
CSU, Fullerton, BA
CSU, Fullerton, MA
Henry Walker, PGA attended
Marymount California University, BA
CSU, Long Beach, MA